Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » July 2005 » Tonight's Blogger Bash

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07/29/2005: Tonight's Blogger Bash

Just a quickie. We all convened at Dish, at the northeast corner of Cooper and Young in Midtown, at the appointed time. While Dish does indeed have wi-fi access (at least a couple others were able to get online, from what I could see), my allegedly wi-fi enabled Palm Tungsten C obstinately refused to connect to the access point, so I wasn't able to do a quick live blog of the event, like I'd hoped. :-(

Eric Janssen (Webraw, Quixtar Blog, and Plug In) made an appearance early in the evening, but he had daddy duty tonight, so he was on his way to take his kids to see Sky High. Since that movie's been getting some good reviews, I have no doubt that he and his sprouts had a great time; still it was good to catch up with Eric for a bit.

Other attendees, in no particular order: E.J. ("fresh", if that's the right term, from the afternoon Love in Action rally), Dr. Abby, Dr. Dad, Abby's Mom (the "baseball fanatic", as Abby described her, so I knew we'd get along just fine), Aaron, "Mr. Mike" Hollihan, Mark, Phil Harwell, Brock, Chris Davis, and, capturing the prize for longest trip to make it to the Bash, Bruce Garrett, who was visiting us from Baltimore, Maryland, home of Sportsmans Park East Oriole Park at Camden Yards and the St. Louis Browns Balitmore Orioles (Karen, as soon as I can get the information I'll tell you how to send Bruce the traveling trophy... ;-) ).

All, in all, the company was superb; I got a chance to catch up with everyone present, and to bid farewell to Dr. Abby and Aaron. Good food, a great atmosphere, and plenty of good things to drink to keep the conversation flowing. If you're a Memphis blogger, and you missed it.... Well, it was your loss, but remember that you're more than welcome to the next Bash.... Tonight was, as all prior Bashes have been, an evening's dignified insurrection well deserving of:

The Art Schroeder Memorial Synopsis™

A great time was had by all, and nobody was arrested.

Len on 07.29.05 @ 11:09 PM CST

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