Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » May 2005 » Bush Runs Roughshod...Again...

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05/14/2005: Bush Runs Roughshod...Again...

More proof that our sheep of a flock of Senators can’t even stand up to face down yet another Bush “Shove-My-Worst-Pick-Of-The-Possible-Nomination-Candidates-Down-Your-Throat” running roughshod over the best interests of the country in the up coming full vote on John Bolton to represent the USA at the United Nation.

Dana Milbank (Washington Post) has written this piece: A Defection on the GOP Side concerning the latest about-face to contest this nomination from the White House - put forth (this time) from the GOP side:

”…Lugar, as shepherd of Bolton's nomination, was scarcely more helpful to the cause than Voinovich. The chairman's rap sheet said Bolton made "incorrect assumptions about the behavior and motivation of subordinates," failed "to use proper managerial channels" and "unnecessarily personalized internal disputes." On the positive side, Lugar continued, "there is no evidence that he has broken laws or engaged in serious ethical misconduct."

It was, perhaps, not the ideal slogan for confirmation: Bolton -- not a criminal. Only four days earlier, Lugar predicted that Bolton would be endorsed by the committee on a party-line vote. Yesterday, he was reduced to urging colleagues not to "reject Secretary Bolton without even granting him a vote on the Senate floor."

The difference, of course, was Voinovich, who challenged Bush and GOP leaders in a way few of his colleagues have dared. "What message are we sending to the world community?" he asked about Bolton. Though he said that "all things being equal" he would support a presidential nominee, "all things are not equal." Responding to a main White House argument, he added: "To those who say a vote against John Bolton is against reform of the U.N., I say, 'Nonsense.' " Lugar held a thin smile while Voinovich talked. Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.), who took a political risk by backing Bolton, stared at his water glass and looked as if he were about to cry. Bolton defender Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) fidgeted in his chair; Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), another Bolton fan, smirked….”

All that remains now is the full "party loyalty" vote and Bolton's confirmation is a Shoe-In. Yet another Bush Victory in the making. Baaaaaa. Baaaaa. (or so say the little Senators.)

Karen on 05.14.05 @ 04:56 AM CST

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