Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » February 2005 » If you're looking for a new and different twist in your resume...

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02/24/2005: If you're looking for a new and different twist in your resume...

Pete at A Perfectly Cromulent Blog informs us that Troma Entertainment, cinematic home of New Jersey's only superhero (The Toxic Avenger and sequels) and preeminent producers of low-grade classic bad films, is looking for people to fill important production positions for their soon to be filmed next classic: Poultrygeist: Attack of the Chicken Zombies. Unpaid positions, so you better be able to live off your trust fund income for a bit, but you'll get a screen credit certifying your contribution to the enrichment of American Cinema:

Poultrygeist, a fromage to Takashi Miike, is the next planned offering in Troma Entertainment's thirty-plus-years-long tradition of wildly successful low-budget, high-concept, one-of-a-kind cinematic creations designed to satisfy the hunger for reel entertainment.

When the American Chicken Bunker, a military-themed fried-chicken chain, builds a restaurant on the site of an ancient Indian burial ground, local protestors aren't the only ones crying fowl! The previous tenants, fueled by a supernatural force, take "possession" of the food and those who eat it, and the survivors discover that they must band together before they themselves become the other white meat!

Film lovers have been starved for sustenance. The relentless diet of predictability and pretense Hollywood has been serving up just doesn't cut it. Poultrygeist is hearty food for thought.
In Poultrygeist, Troma takes on the the fast-food industry-skewering the soulless restaurateurs-in the world's first horror-comedy film to feature zombie chickens, American Indians and a bit of singing and dancing!

It's Poultrygeist!

Len on 02.24.05 @ 01:11 PM CST

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