Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » November 2005 » On behalf of Reasonable Tenneseeans (both of us)....

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11/22/2005: On behalf of Reasonable Tenneseeans (both of us)....

I apologize for our populace having sent Bill "Worthless Turd" Frist to pollute the U.S. Senate.

Latest Frist hi-jinks. According to the Blogressive, Frist is responsible for blocking a routine Senate resolution honoring Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen on the 30th anniversary of the release of The Boss's seminal classic, Born to Run (if you don't see the Nov. 21 entry when you click that link, then click here):

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has blocked a routine resolution honoring the 30th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen's album Born to Run. "Resolutions like this pass all the time in the U.S. Senate, usually by unanimous consent," said its co-sponsor Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey. [AP]

The obvious reason for blocking the resolution: Springsteen's endorsement of Sen. John Kerry last year. But perhaps the Senate was simply exercising heightened musical tastes and discretion. Last year, the US Senate honored Ted Nugent with a resolution. In case you were busy during his 15 minutes of fame, Nugent aka "The Motor City Madman", is the genius poet behind American pop music classics "Cat Scratch Fever," and "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang."
Of course, the fact that Nugent released an ostensibly anti-Clinton ditty titled "Kiss My Ass" surely has nothing to do with his being honored by the Senate:
Kiss My Ass
Lyrics by Ted Nugent

Telegram for Mr Billary...
C'mon baby,
Yeah, big ol' wet one...hey!
Kiss my ass,
Kiss my ass, (c'mon, everybody ought'a)
Kiss my ass, (tastes real good)
Kiss my ass. (oh...)
Don't waste your time on me
I got my own direction
Watch me close, wait and see
I'm lookin' for perfection
I make up my own mind
And I'll leave you far behind
When the goin' gets tough
You can kiss my ass
I believe in animal rights
I let my dog hump on my shin
I can tolerate sexual choice
But not with the next of kin (uh-uh, boy)
I've heard it all before
I ain't gonna take any more
When the goin' gets tough
You can kiss my ass
Kiss my ass, (pucker up)
Kiss my ass
Kiss my ass
Kiss my ass, (c'mon babe)
I've heard it all before
And I ain't gonna take no more, no no
When the goin' gets tough
Kiss my ass!
I see the weenies with the dirty hair
Protestin' on the street
They condemn the clothes we wear
And the morality of what we eat, yeah
It's gotta be a fluke
They make me wanna puke
When the goin' gets tough
They can kiss my ass
Everybody gotta
Kiss my ass - C'mon gang bangers
Kiss my ass - Janet Reno
Kiss my ass - C'mon Billary
Kiss my ass - Callin' on Jesse Jackson
Kiss my ass - How about the IRS
Kiss my ass - Hey, Howard Stern
Kiss my ass - United Nations
Kiss my ass - All those Liberals
Kiss my ass - C'mon Sarah Brady
Kiss my ass - Oh, Courtney Love I've got your hole
Kiss my ass - Beavis, Butthead
Kiss my ass - How about Crips and Bloods
I've heard it all before
And we ain't gonna take it no more
When the goin' gets rough
When the goin's too tough
When the goin' gets rough
They oughta' kiss my ass
Sheer poetry.

Len on 11.22.05 @ 08:00 AM CST

[ | ]

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