Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » September 2005 » For my Hubby…Who Is Also Known By…

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09/04/2005: For my Hubby…Who Is Also Known By…

...His Indian Princess Tribal Name: Chief “Tall Man Who Looks But Does NOT See”:

Here is a Classic Dave Barry column, Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune Magazine, What Men Are Thinking:

What are men thinking?

”From time to time, I receive letters from a certain group of individuals that I will describe, for want of a better term, as "women." I have such a letter here, from a Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C., who asks the following question:

"Why do men open a drawer and say, 'Where is the spatula?' Instead of, you know, looking for it?"

This question expresses a commonly held (by women) negative stereotype about guys of the male gender, which is that they cannot find things around the house, especially things in the kitchen. Many women believe that if you want to hide something from a man, all you have to do is put it in plain sight in the refrigerator, and he will never, ever find it, as evidenced by the fact that a man can open a refrigerator containing 463 pounds of assorted meats, poultry, cold cuts, condiments, vegetables, frozen dinners, snack foods, desserts, etc., and ask, with no irony whatsoever, "Do we have anything to eat?"

Now, I COULD respond to this stereotype in a snide manner by making generalizations about women. I could ask, for example, how come your average woman prepares for virtually every upcoming event in her life, including dental appointments, by buying new shoes, even if she already owns as many pairs as the entire Riverdance troupe. I could point out that, if there were no women, there would be no such thing as Leonardo DiCaprio. I could point out that, to judge from the covers of countless women's magazines, the two topics most interesting to women are (1) Why men are all disgusting pigs, and (2) How to attract men.

Yes, I could raise these issues in response to the question regarding the man who was asking where the spatula was. I could even ask WHY this particular man might be looking for the spatula. Could it be that he needs a spatula to kill a spider, because, while he was innocently watching basketball and minding his own business, a member of another major gender-a gender that refuses to personally kill spiders but wants them all dead-DEMANDED that he kill the spider, which 9 times out of 10 turns out to be a male spider that was minding its own business?

As I say, I could raise these issues and resort to the kind of negativity indulged in by Susie Walker, of North Augusta, S.C. But I choose not to. I choose, instead, to address her question seriously, in hopes that, by improving the communication between the genders, all human beings-both men and women, together-will come to a better understanding of how dense women can be sometimes.

I say this because there is an excellent reason why a man would open the spatula drawer and, without looking for the spatula, ask where the spatula is: The man does not have TIME to look for the spatula. Why? Because HE IS BUSY THINKING. Men are ALMOST ALWAYS thinking. When you look at a man who appears to be merely scratching himself, rest assured that inside his head, his brain is humming like a high-powered computer, processing millions of pieces of information and producing important insights such as, "This feels good!"

We should be grateful that men think so much, because over the years they have thought up countless inventions that have made life better. The shot clock in basketball is one example. Another one is underwear-eating bacteria. I found out about this thanks to many alert readers who sent me an article from New Scientist magazine stating that Russian scientists are trying to solve the problem of waste disposal aboard spacecraft by "designing a cocktail of bacteria to digest astronauts' cotton and paper underpants." Is that great or what? I am picturing a utopian future wherein, when a man's briefs get dirty, they will simply dissolve, thereby freeing him from the chore of dealing with his soiled underwear via the labor-intensive, time-consuming method he now uses, namely, dropping them on the floor.

I'm not saying that guys have solved all the world's problems. I'm just saying that there ARE solutions out there, and if, instead of harping endlessly about spatulas, we allow guys to use their mental talents to look for these solutions, in time, they will find them. Unless they are in the refrigerator.”

Karen on 09.04.05 @ 12:40 PM CST

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