Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

Home » Archives » February 2005 » Calendar Days of Wine and Roses...or Something Else...

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02/07/2005: Calendar Days of Wine and Roses...or Something Else...

I'm not much for Faux Holidays: Like Superbowl Sunday, Secretary's Day, Valentine's Day (though chocolates are always appreciated...and on ANY day);

But my NEW Calendar has some really Nifty days I might be able to enjoy:

Coming of Age Day (Jan 10) Drat...been there...done that.
Wellington's Anniversary Day (Jan 24) His marriage or his Battles...They don't say. Let's sing anyway.
Mardi Gras (Feb 8) Chicago NEVER celebrates Mardi Gras in the way it Truly Deserves.
Chinese Lantern Festival day (Feb 23) Chinatown...Save some Dim Sum for me!
Human Rights Day (Mar 21) AKA: Otago Anniversary Day; Canbera Day, Benito Juarez Birthday
Ching Ming Festival Day (Apr 5)
Buddha's Birthday (Apr 8) How many candles on that cake?
Inauguration of the Republic of Cuba Day (May 20) Fidel we hardly know ya.
Lag B'Omer Day (May 27) Huh?
Tuen Ng Festival Day (June 11) Double Huh?
Shavuot Queens Birthday (June 13) AKA: Lindsey's Birthday
Battle of the Boyne (July 12) I am only worried about the Bulge, myself.
Friendship Day (Aug 7) To: Len & Brock...New Friends!!!
Discovery Day (Aug 15) I like Voyages of Discovery...a Day is too short. (But I tend to sea-sickness...Let's walk there.)
Respect for the Aged Day (Sept 19) My brother-in-law, Jack, is one step ahead of the times...he puts up "Slow down for Old People" Crossing signs on his street.
Yara Yell Day (Oct 10) AKA: Canadian Thanksgiving; Lauren's Birthday
Eid-al-fir Culture Day (Nov 3) I like culture.
Armistice Day (Nov 11) AKA: Remembrance Day; Veteran's Day; Canterbury Anniversary: Cory's Birthday
St. Andrew's Day (Nov 30) But It's too late to Golf...snow's a flying.
Nobel Day (Dec 10) AKA: Human Rights Day (Only if you previously ignored Mar 21)
St. Lazarus' Day (Dec 17) Is it time to slay THAT Dragon again, already?

Karen on 02.07.05 @ 11:48 AM CST

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Replies: 2 comments

on Monday, February 7th, 2005 at 12:36 PM CST, Len Cleavelin said

"Wellington's Anniversary Day (Jan 24)"

Weird. January *22* is significant twice in Wellington's life (he became commander in chief of the British Army for the first time on 22 Jan. 1827, and became Prime Minister for the first time on 22 Jan. 1828), but I don't see anything about 24 January. Assuming, of course, that we're talking about *the* Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington).

on Monday, February 7th, 2005 at 12:52 PM CST, Karen McLauchlan said

That's what I mean...they don't say "which" anniversary or for what. Calendars...can ya trust 'em? Like I said, let's party anyway and sing (I like singing.)

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