Dark Bilious Vapors

But how could I deny that I possess these hands and this body, and withal escape being classed with persons in a state of insanity, whose brains are so disordered and clouded by dark bilious vapors....
--Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation I

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03/07/2005: Freedom's Plate

Has Freedom's Plate just gotten fuller?

Um, Could Bush be right?" muses about the effects of "Who on Earth wants to be known as the last foe of freedom?" and whether "When history lurches, where will it next land?"

The Weekly Standard's What Hath Ju-Ju Wrought! has Reul Marc Gerecht wondering "Have the Iraqi elections produced a democratic earthquake that has changed forever the fundamental political dynamics in the Muslim Middle East? Only the culturally deaf, dumb, and blind...can't see what George W. Bush's war against Saddam Hussein has wrought. The issue is not whether the basic understanding of contemporary Muslim political legitimacy has been overturned--it has--but how forcefully the regimes in place will resist the growing Muslim democratic ethic."

And Michael Duffy of Time ponders When History Turns a Corner "People power is changing the face of the Middle East, but the democracy deal isn't sealed—yet...How can you tell when history turns a corner?... Amid the flush of springlike exuberance, though, it was hard to know which events history would immortalize. ...Yet it was also right to remember that progress in the Middle East invariably moves a few steps forward—then a few steps back."

Fareed Zacharia asks What Bush Got Right about "Freedom's march: The president has been right on some big questions. Now, if he can get the little stuff right, he'll change the world.

Or...for all the perennial cynics out there...one can always go for a bit of Dr. NO in this interview with pessimism Time for a dose of Dr. No and his "The way I see it, every silver lining contains a new cloud...."

Karen on 03.07.05 @ 07:01 AM CST

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